+41 22 777 10 47      |      courrier@wintsch-ing.ch      |      Ch. de la Distillerie 4, 1233 Bernex

+41 22 777 10 47    |    courrier@wintsch-ing.ch


Located close to Geneva airport, the WTC 1 building is a flagship administrative building in the Geneva region. It was constructed between 1976 and 1979, the top floor was added in 1986.

World Trade Center I

These various interventions on the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems contributed to the following awards:

In 2017, the Management was awarded the Ambitions Negawatt trophy for the building, thanks to the reduction in energy consumption by way of the cooling systems.
This competition, launched by SIG's eco21 programme, rewards the energy savings and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions achieved in recent years.

In 2021, the Management was granted the Gigawatt and Negawatt awards. The Gigawatt Trophy is awarded to companies that have reduced the energy consumption of their buildings by more than one gigawatt/hour.

Planning and the management of renovation work on heating, ventilation, air conditioning and RCM installations.


To achieve energy savings, an overall concept for heating, cooling and ventilation was drafted and subsequently divided into several work phases:

  • In 2012, we performed an energy audit to obtain an overall view of the building and its installations, and to identify the opportunities to achieve energy savings.

  • We performed work on the refrigeration concept we had proposed between 2015 and 2016, replacing two iced-water production machines with two high-efficiency, magnetic-bearing turbo-compressor freezers that can be controlled according to requirements. These two refrigeration machines were connected to the existing cooling tower installed in 2006, where waste heat is recovered by a heat exchanger to pre-heat domestic hot water. Furthermore, we replaced the attic floor, which was built seven years after the remaining part of the building, with a monobloc for air renewal, heating and air-conditioning.

  •  From 2018 to 2020, we replaced the fan coil units and mixing boxes, resulting in significant energy savings thanks to new fan coil units with ‘water-based’ regulation, as well as a switch from constant pulsed flow to variable pulsed flow.

  • Finally, in 2021, we performed work on the boiler room to renovate the heat distribution system (heating and DHW) connected to the GIS Remote Heat Exchanger (CAD). The hydraulic systems in the boiler room (exchangers, circulators, etc.) were modernised.

Our other projects

World Trade Center I

Plateau de Frontenex 7

Médecins Sans Frontières Headquarters

The University Medical Center

The St Georges Center

The Barbour Fondation

Les plages de Dardagny

EMS Val Fleuri Auditorium

EMS Val fleuri